- Ctrl = Control button in Windows
- Win key = Windows Logo button in Windows
- Cmd = Command button in MacOS
- Opt = Option button in MacOS
- Control = Control button in MacOS
General Shortcuts
- Search = Ctrl/Cmd + F
- Filter List = Alt/Opt + F
- Shuffle List = Ctrl/Cmd + L
- Toggle Search Thesaurus = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + T
- Collapse Folder in the Sidepanel = Alt/Opt + X
- Flag File = F
- Send Flagged Files To Target App = Shift + S
- Add To Recent Collection = C
- Show File (Windows: Show File In Explorer / MacOS: Show File In Finder) = Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + R
- Browse File Folder = Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + F
- Add Tab = Ctrl/Cmd + T
- Close Tab = Ctrl/Cmd + W
- Next Tab = Win Key/Control + Tab
- Previous Tab = Shift + Win Key/Control + Tab
- Soundly Window Always on Top = Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + T
- Metadata Panel = Ctrl/Cmd + E
- In Voice Designer, render voice directly from input box = Ctrl/Cmd + Enter/Return
- Play/Stop = Spacebar
- Loop = Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L
- Send to Target App = S
- Send to 2nd Target App = Alt/Opt + S
- Send to Pro Tools Bin = B
- Nudge Playhead = Left/Right Arrow
- Go to start = Alt/Opt + A/Left Arrow
- Move Playhead in Smaller Increments (when Segments Mode is Off) = Shift + Left/Right Arrow
- Go To Next Transient = Tab
- Volume Up = Ctrl/Cmd + Up Arrow
- Volume Down = Ctrl/Cmd + Down Arrow
- Pitch Up = Alt/Opt + Up Arrow
- Pitch Down = Alt/Opt + Down Arrow
- Select All = Ctrl/Cmd + A
- Modify Waveform Selection = Shift + Click waveform
- Clear selection = Esc
- Normalize = Ctrl/Cmd + N
- Reverse = Ctrl/Cmd + R
- Invert Stereo = Ctrl/Cmd + I
- Sum To Mono = M
- Mono to Stereo = J
- Select Left Channel = Ctrl/Cmd + Left Arrow
- Select Right Channel = Ctrl/Cmd + Right Arrow
- Solo Channel = Alt/Opt + 1 for channel 1, Alt/Opt + 2 for channel 2, etc.
- Show all Channels = Alt/Opt + 0
- Zoom In Horizontal = T
- Zoom Out Horizontal = R
- Zoom In Vertical = Shift + T
- Zoom Out Vertical = Shift + R
- Copy In and Out Markers = Alt/Opt + C
- Paste In and Out Markers = Alt/Opt + V
- Change Pitch mode to 2x = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift + 1
- Change Pitch mode to 4x = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift + 2
- Change Pitch mode to 8x = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift + 3
- Segments Mode = Alt/Opt + M
- Play Segment under Cursor = X
- Select Segment = Click
- Toggle Select Segment = W or Ctrl/Cmd + Click
- Select Multiple Segments = Shift + Click and Drag
- Deselect Multiple Segments = Alt/Opt + Shift + Click and Drag
- Select All = Ctrl/Cmd + A
- Modify Segment Selection = Shift + Click
- Play Segment without affecting Selection = Alt/Opt + Click
- Toggle Auto Select Mode for Segments = Alt/Opt + W
- Previous Segment = A or Left Arrow
- Next Segment = D or Right Arrow
- Skip Backward = Alt/Opt + A/Left Arrow
- Skip Forward = Alt/Opt + D/Left Arrow
- Select Next Segment = Shift + Left/Right Arrow
Markers Editor Shortcuts
When in Edit Marker mode:
- Add Marker = Ctrl/Cmd + Click or Ctrl/Cmd + Enter/Return or Numpad Enter
- Delete Marker = Alt/Opt + Click
- Undo Edit Markers = Ctrl/Cmd + Z
- Redo Edit Markers = Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z
Setting up a 2nd Target App
You can select a 2nd target app to spot files to, without changing the primary target app:
- Open the Spot menu by clicking the dropdown icon next to the Spot button
- Choose the preferred app using Alt/Opt + Click
- Once selected, use Alt/Opt + S to spot to the 2nd target app, and S to spot to the primary one
Switch between different Library Selections
If you have saved selections of different libraries, you can see the shortcuts to the selections next to the selection title when clicking the three-dotted library menu button. Example as seen in the menu:
- Bang = Ctrl/Cmd + 1
- Rain = Ctrl/Cmd + 2
- Cars = Ctrl/Cmd + 3
- Place it = Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 1
- Shape it = Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 2
Shape it Shortcuts
- Reset Shape it = Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + X
- Restrict Band Movement to Horizontal Only = Ctrl/Cmd + Click Band dot, then drag horizontally
- Restrict Band Movement to Vertically Only = Shift + Click Band dot, then drag vertically
- Toggle EQ Band On/Off = Alt/Opt + Click Band dot
- Invert the Gain of EQ Band = Alt/Opt + Shift + Click Band dot
- Adjust the Q Factor (Bandwidth) = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Click & Hold Band dot, then drag
- Adjust the Q Factor (Bandwidth) = Scrollwheel on Band dot
- Adjust the respective value = Scrollwheel on Band values
Life-Changing Shortcuts
- Meditate with Soundly™ = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift + M
- Open Cheatsheet = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift + U
- Open Spookly = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift + S
- Add Santa Hat To Icon = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift + I
- Pay Yourself a Compliment = Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + Shift + C